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Acts 2 Communities

an alternative way to BE the church

9 Rhythms


Teaching is about learning, and learning environments are more dialogue than monologue. They are filled with interaction, questions, discussions, and application. An Acts 2 Community approaches biblical teaching in conversational learning environments to foster greater life transformation.


Fellowship is a highly relational and highly connected expression of loving one another well. It includes hospitality, time together on a regular basis, and truly doing life together. True fellowship is about attachment both to God and to each other. An Acts 2 Community learns relational practices to connect deeply to God and others in a healthy and life-giving manner.

Breaking Bread

Breaking bread includes communion, but it is more than communion. It is often associated with a meal together. The table unites us when Jesus is the central focus. Every table has the potential to be a powerful space and place for breaking bread together. An Acts 2 Community shares meals and communion together regularly keeping Jesus as the central focus.


Prayer is more than one person speaking to God. It is sharing our hearts with Him. It is listening for His answer and learning to clearly identify His voice. Prayer is dialogue and can be the foundational uniting practice of a healthy community. An Acts 2 Community prays together while practicing a “God with us” lifestyle of listening for the voice of God together.

Wonders & Signs

Wonders and signs were a regular part of the early church, and are still active today. This includes both praying expectantly for God to work in outer healing while also pursuing inner healing through healing prayer. An Acts 2 Community invites Holy Spirit to move, speak, and heal in powerful ways.


Generosity is more than a financial expression through the giving of money or resources. True generosity is caring for the poor, meeting the needs of the community and the city, and living generously with hearts and time. An Acts 2 Community practices regular generosity to help nurture other Acts 2 Communities and to seek the welfare of the surrounding city.


Gratitude is a crucial practice that can powerfully impact a person’s mental health. Intentional gratitude towards God and each other transforms a community and fills it with growing joy. An Acts 2 Community practices rhythms of thanksgiving to build joyful capacity and resilience.


Worship is more than singing or lifting our voices to God. It is truly a lifestyle of walking through our days with our eyes fixed on Jesus. It includes times of singing together and listening to worship music while focusing our hearts and minds to worship in Spirit and in truth. An Acts 2 Community worships together regularly encouraging each other to focus on Jesus.


Invitation is regularly asking the question, “Who is not here?” Safe places where new people are always welcome are an important foundation to a healthy, thriving community. An Acts 2 Community is an open environment inviting people to explore and grow in relationship with Jesus and others. Ultimately, we invite, and then leave the results to God.